In 2015, the UN’s 193 countries agreed on a World Future Treaty, in which 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were set, with the goal of transforming the world by 2030 in terms of sustainable economic, social and environmental development. With its focus on Energy and resources, Environment and climate change, climate justice, EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy the present project builds on these SDGs and focusses a wide range of it. The Project combines education for sustainable development with democratic and European education. It will empower students to engage actively, to take responsibility for themselves and their actions, and to encourage them to become involved in the SDGs for a livable world. The project is intercultural, interdisciplinary, multi-perspective and aligned to the concept of holistic learning. Four secondary schools from Finland, Greece, Poland and Germany participate in this project.
According to the motto “think globally – act locally” the topics will offer the opportunity to examine political, social, economic and ecological aspects from an interdisziplinary, multi-perspective and international approach. Finally, perspectives for a socio-ecological transformation will be developed.
In the sense of a democratic and European education, pupils will be able to form their own judgment based on a critically reflected analysis, to deal with forms of political participation, classify and evaluate conflicting goals and conflicts of interest. Students are empowered to develop individual and
socio-political action alternatives and will be encouraged to participate for their future.